Beautiful and Free
What I want to introduce here are not a bunch of links to some Arabic-looking “exotic” Latin-script fonts. The fonts here are true Arabic fonts ready to be used in any Arabic or Persian (Farsi) layout.
As you might have noticed there are not that many companies making Arabic fonts. The reason for that might be the fact that one cannot make any money by designing Arabic or Persian typefaces. So most of the efforts in this field is done by a few companies (like Linotype, Monotype, and some others) outside the Middle East. I list them all in the near future in another post about commercial Arabic and Persian (Farsi) fonts, but here I introduce the available free fonts I find most useful. Some of them are made by support from the local governments (Uthman, Nastaliq, Neirizi) and some others are made by individuals. Most of them can be used for styling text in any Arabic-script language including Arabic, Persian (Farsi), Dari, Kurdish (Sorani), Punjabi, Pashto, Urdu, Kashmiri, Sindhi, and Uyghur.
7 Free Arabic Fonts
Sharif FarsiWeb Fonts
Uthman Taha Naskh Font
Uthman Taha Naskh Font (91324 downloads)
Iran-Nastaliq Font
Farhood Font
Farhood Font (33316 downloads)
Neirizi Font
Neirizi Font (33919 downloads)
Dastnevis Font
Dast Nevis Font (66680 downloads)
Do you know any other free Arabic or Persian font? Leave a link in the comments to be included in the list.
Great post! Lovely fonts
This is the “B” collection, containing 31 Persian fonts:
B Collection is not a god collection. It does not work on certain software.
Thank you very much, lovely collection. Luis
i need a Arabic font that wildcards been true and complete. for example albayan or taher
if somebody have albayan font please send to me
omid2_hadi@@yahoo:disqus .com
Thanks for arabic font
it’s useful for me
it’s persian
lovely collection … tanks for share this 🙂
This might be a stupid question, but when I download the fonts, they are still an English font. They aren’t the characters in the sample. Is there something I have to do to change this?
You need to change language on your computer. Switch to Arabic or Persian before using the fonts.
Hi, thanks for your response.
I went into my system preferences and activated persian under language and text. But it is still just in English.
Next, you need to install and activate, and use, a Persian keyboard. Look around online for one, or, create your own. These four are needed: font, language on system, keyboard, finally, a program which can work with these. Tell us how you make it.
If you are a PC user check this:
How to add Arabic and Persian on Windows XP and Vista
If you are a Mac user go to:
How to add Arabic and Persian to your Mac?
Check this post:
If you go into your computer control panel you can add languages to the key board. You can add Arabic and then when you type Arabic letters will appear on the screen
Many thanks for these
Very nice set of fonts, thnak you Alefba 🙂
maybe you are interested in Iranian Sans another nice typface designed by Hooman Mehr
Does anyone have the Naskh font in ascii format rather than unicode if that is possible. My application only accepts .txt files in ascii not unicode and i wish to add a form of Arabic to the text avaliable
Stuck, there is no Arabic font in ASCII. ASCII only understands Latin script.
is it for Mac?
No. They should work on Mac and PC.
Just a note: The link on this page is to an older version (0.07) of the Uthman Taha Naskh font. It’s now on version 0.09. You can download it directly from the font developer here:
very nice fonts
hi there.
Can someone help me with one of these fonts. I am repainting the new start-up ‘Saha Airline’ though I don’t speak or can read Persian.
Would need an image/text in .psd format with the name ‘Saha Airline’ in Persian like in the picture here from the front fuselage:
email: admin[at]impulseai[dot]com
this is non commercial and free use, here my site:
thanks stephan
Here is the new link to Iran-Nastaliq 2.0 (1.2 MB).
What is the difference between the Iran Nastaliq provided in the post and Iran Nastaliq 2.0 provided by you?
They have updated some of the glyphs and added some new features.
Read this:
Thanks. The link is updated now.
Thanks. Undated.
i can t download ple help mee
davood.taravat@@gmail:disqus .com
Please try again now.
i can’t download,could you please help me?
There is nothing wrong with downloads. Try again.
these don’t download!!!
Please try again. I just tested it. It works.
Hi I have downloaded Iran nastaliq, but it does´nt write the letters together.
what am I doing wrong??
I have a mac!
Pls Pls help someone!!!
It seems you are trying to use the fonts on Microsoft Word on Mac. Microsoft Word on Mac does not support Arabic script. You need to write in TextEdit and save it as RTF or DOC.
I downloaded them and when I choose the font in word, it’s still English letters… for both Neiriz & IranNastaliq….
Did you change your input language before typing?
→ If you have a PC check this post:
→ If you have a Mac follow this instruction:
I also donwloaded the fonts, but I don’t know what I have do now! lol
I mean I want to use these fonts in MS Word! so how do they work! (I’m not dummy, just a bit confused!)
You need to:
1. Install the fonts on your PC. More could be found here:
2. Change the input language before typing:
Hi, very nice fonts. I have Mac Mountain Lion, using LibreOffice word processor set up for R-to-L. Geeza Pro (default Persian font, I believe) works fine. However, Roya, Nazli, IranNastaliq are not connecting the individual characters. Any suggestions?
No. Those fonts do not work properly on LibreOffice. Try IRMUG Fonts.
Why I cannot download any of them?
I do not know. I just tested them and they work fine. Please try again using a different setting.
The links aren’t working 🙁
Of course they do. Please try again.
I don’t know how can I write my own words without space among them!!
I’ve used “Pages” application then I’ve seen:
س ل ا م
stead of
“Pages” and MIcrosoft Word” does not support Arabic/Persian script on Mac. Try TextEdit or LibreOffice instead.
a little tool for typing arabic in OS that don’t support them.
(beautiful collection and they all worked fine)
are they free for commercial use?
Please check the documentation of every font.
I think messages like “links aren’t working” are because of the blue buttons below the font sample, with “Download Font name” text on, which do not work (for me at least) in Opera 12.16 and Firefox 23. The font can still be downloaded by clicking the title (font name on top) or the thumbnail below it.
I have already enabled Farsi both on Windows 7 and on MS-Word 201 but I am not able to open any of the zip files or fonts in Windows 7. The error message says “the compressed zip folder is invalid”. The Farhood font is the only one which is not in a zip folder. I get an error message when I try to install it on Windows Fonts, that “farhood.ttf” is not a valid font. I really like these fonts and would appreciate any tips to help resolve this issue.
None of these files are hosted by this site. Neither we had any role in creating them.
having said that, all of them work on our computer with no problem. So most probably there is an issue in your computer.
very great persian fonts…ty
Thanks alot
My Persian fonts:
Hi – link to Iran Nastaliq goes to a server that is no longer there. Is there an alternative link?
The fonts are awesome
Is it possible to put Iran sans font??
are this font free for commercial use?