
PoEdit or Codestyling Localization?

Normally when you ask this question on WordPress-related forums or search for it on the net all you get is suggestions about using PoEdit. Sometimes you get some vague instructions about using it as well, but still it is not what you are looking for. PoEdit is not user-friendly, it has a clunky interface, and it is buggy.

What I suggest is Codestyling Localization a plugin that provides you with all you need to localize a WordPress theme or plugin, right from inside the WordPress admin.

How to use Codestyling Localization Plugin:

Here is what you need to do:

1. Download “CodeStyling Localization” plugin, Install it on your WordPress website, and activate it.

2. Go to Localization under Tools. Click on Themes to see the themes list.

3. If you do not see your language there click on “Add New Language”.

4. Choose your language and click on “create po-file”.

If you get an access-error message click on ok. Then connect to your server with an FTP-client software and change the permissions for the “language” folder (located inside your theme’s folder) set to 777. This should take care of the error message. Choose your language and click on “create po-file” again to create a pair of language files.

5. The plugin creates the files for you. Click on “Rescan” to scan all the translatable terms and words inside the theme. It opens a window for you. Click on “scan now”.

6. After the scan is finished click on “Edit” to translate the words.

7. Translate the words.

8. When you are done with translation click the button “generate mo-file”. This step is very important because it is the “mo” file that is read by WordPress.

You are done. Your theme is localized!

37 Responses to How to Translate WordPress Localized Themes and Plugins with Codestyling Localization

  1. MohamadReza says:

    Thanks a lot for this post.
    i installed this plugin but my active theme is not in the theme list!!!!
    what should i do to be recognized my theme by the plugin?

  2. MohamadReza says:

    i forgot to say that there isnt language folder in my theme folder.

    • Alefba says:

      Your theme is not localized. You either need to change the theme or make some changes to the theme to localize it.
      I will write a post about that later.

  3. Ali says:

    Hi, awsome post thanks. Can you please make a post on how to make a plugin/theme suited to Right to left.

  4. NMG says:

    Can you also tell how I can embed Farsi fonts in wordpress? I have the fonts but do not know how to use it. Thanks.

  5. Dearmariana says:

    Hi, thanks for this article, very helpful.
    Quick question – what if I’ve already got WP in my second target language, and I just want to add a new theme in that language? Just rescan after I activate the theme?

    • Anonymous says:

      You can translate the theme before or after activating it. I suggest translating it first and then activating it.

    • Alefba says:

      It seems your theme is translated but WordPress on your site is not set to your target language. You have to modify “wp-config.php” . Have you done that?

  6. Jimmytortuga says:

    Great plugin! Have a problem, though. Followed all these steps and I now have the .po and .mo files in the languages files of my theme; and yet they are not selected; ie, they are not translating my theme and are not in bold in the overview panel, as they are in other plugins. Am I missing a step?

    • Alefba says:

      It seems your theme is translated but WordPress on your site is not set to your target language. You have to modify “wp-config.php” . Have you done that? 

  7. Anonymous says:

    Thank you!! i were searching this for a long time!  

  8. spidermanit says:

    Thank you, great plugin, but it doesn’t works to me. I got this Compatibility error: ”
    Textdomain Naming Issue: Author uses a variable to define the textdomain constant. It will be assumed to be equal to theme name now. ”
    How can i fix this?


  9. Muito bom esse plugin. Recomendo!!!

    Usei ele para traduzir me Tema todo.
    Veja como ficou: http://www.rhpontocom.comFabio Cabrera

  10. This looks way better than PoEdit, but I have a problem “It says 0 languages found” next to the them I need to translate and when I click “Add new language” nothing happenes :/ do you know what to do?

    • Alefba says:

      Make a backup of the “.pot” file. Then change the extension “.pot” to “.po” if you want to use it as a “.po” file.

  11. Juliano Dalbosco says:

    Instalei tudo OK! Porem  não entendi onde tem a parte “8” do post 
     “gerar mo-file”.
    Essa opção com este botão não idenfiquei na área do plugin!! Onde localize ele ? vlw

  12. Juliano Dalbosco says:

    I installed everything OK! However I did not understand where is the “8” post
      “generate mo-file”.
    This option does not idenfiquei with this button in the plugin! Where to find it? vlw

  13. Maha Khalaf says:

    Hi.. thanks for this great article.

    I followed all the steps mentioned for 2 of my plugins (forum server and clean contact), but still they won’t get translated!

    Have I missed something?

  14. Chinmay973 says:


    I have followed your tutorial but the theme translation doesn’t appear

    The wp-config.php file was already setted with the target language

    I have read that for some theme you have to call the translation from the function.php

    Please advice

    Thank you

  15. Gerard says:

    Great plugin!
    Yesterday I received a new Theme, but it has no language folder and also no .pot or .po/.mo file. What to do, because it is not even showing up if I use the Localization plugin 🙁

  16. Ditta says:

    Hi, I just installed it for norwegian translation, but there are a few words that is missing, so then they won’t translate… How can I add words to the translation?

    • Alefba says:

      It is possible that those words are not localized in the theme. Please contact the theme developer or check the files yourself to see if the words you refer to are localized.

  17. W500 says:

    I do EXACTLY like you explain here but with zero results. The two green boxes with .po and .mo is there, the files are translated after scanning etc etc. Ive gone back several times to check and I do exactly what you explain here. Doesnt it always work??

  18. Vasa84 says:

    Are there any way to use Codestyling Localization to create two langauges, and then let the users switch language trouh a dropdown bar?

    • Alefba says:

      Codestyling Localization creates language files for your theme or plugin but it has nothing to do with your website’s content. To be able to create the content in two or more languages you need a plugin like WPML or qTranslate.

  19. Ales says:

    Hello, i am getting this message: File Permission Problem: Your WordPress installation does not permit the modification of translation files directly. You will be prompt for FTP credentials if required. And I cant edit or rescan anything, the buttons dont do anything. I set the permission of the languages folder to 777. Please help, thanks

  20. olga says:

    absolutely great! thank you so much !! It works!! 🙂

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