Alefba’s professional services team is equipped with first class editors, designers, translators and marketers who between them have a vast amount of experience in the publishing industry.
In fact, we provide all the services you need to publish your book, newspaper or magazine in a number of Middle Eastern languages (Arabic, Hebrew, Persian, Kurdish, Dari, Pushtun) and we’re also able to “reverse” English language publications to produce right-to-left copies for Arabic or Persian speakers. From handling a raw manuscript from scratch to the provision of a single service such as book design or cover graphics, Alefba have a variety of publishing options to suit your needs.
Publishing a book in a RTL language (like Arabic, Farsi or Dari) presents the publisher with a number of technical difficulties, and many Western publishers are inexperienced in dealing with these challenges. As a provider of RTL language services in the United States for more than 15 years, Alefba has a deep understanding of the formatting and layout issues that can arise with a right-to-left language publication.
We can:

Translate and edit your manuscript into Persian in-house, and work with a select number of approved translators and editors for other Middle Eastern languages;

Provide additional services such as the creation of an e-commerce website to sell your book, the design of custom logos, graphics and book covers and ISBN registration.